Camping Nez de Jobourd
1 hour drive on the N13 from the camping le Haut Dick, this is a trip worth doing! You go up towards the North-West of the Cotentin, ideal before or after a passage in Cherbourg.
Le Nez de Jobourg at only 1h from the campsite
Located not far from the N13, Camping Le Haut Dick is on the axis that serves the most destinations in the whole of the Channel. You can travel to the four corners of the Cotentin region from the campsite by making only short trips.
In addition, when you return from your activities, you will find all the comfort you need for a week-end or dreamy vacations in Normandy with family or friends.

Discover the Nez of Jobourg
In the heart of a large natural site, Natura 2000, these high granite cliffs are among the highest in Europe. For sure, you will feel dizzy from the many viewpoints, coves and plains. For a hike, follow the “sentier des douaniers” or the GR223 to admire the coasts and moors of La Hague.
Also, not far from there, Port Racine is not to be missed under any circumstances. It is the reputed smallest port in France (only 25 places inside).